From time to time we find resources that we think may be useful to assist us to explore our own faith and how it impacts ourselves, others and the world around us.
We endeavour to update this area as much as we can to provide a variety of different resources from a variety of areas.

Presbytery of North East Victoria Field Days: Connect, Grow, Serve
Under the banner of Connect-Grow- Serve the PNEV took us through a series of online studies and workshops that explored the connections between our faith, the environment and how we live.
These workshops were via zoom, between the 1st and 8th of May 2021, were recorded and have been uploaded for personal or shared use.
To see the uploaded recordings click here or you may wish to go to the PNEV YouTube page or Website.

Presbytery of North East Victoria Field Days 2022: Exploring Mission
This year the PNEV took us through a series of online studies and workshops that encouraged us to think differently about how we serve and connect with God, self and community.
These workshops were via zoom, between the 27th Aug and 10th Sept 2022, were recorded and have been uploaded for personal or shared use.
To see the uploaded recordings click here or you may wish to go to the PNEV YouTube page or Website.